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SPE Brazil Turbomachinery, Compressor and Pump Symposium

ter., 29 de out.


Petrobras EDIVIT building

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Horário e local

29 de out. de 2024, 15:50 – 30 de out. de 2024, 17:50

Petrobras EDIVIT building, Av. Nossa Sra. da Penha, 1688 - Barro Vermelho, Vitória - ES, 29057-550, Brazil

Sobre o evento

Session 3B “What the industry is doing to reduce carbon gas emission in Brown Fields Projects”

This session will discuss actual initiatives by the industry to reduce carbon gas emissions, improving this performance even in Brown Fields Projects.


  • Eduarda Lacerda: Petrobras Deep Water Reservoir and Flow Assurance Petrobras General Manager

  • Aline Melchuna: Energy and Production Coordinator of Peregrino EQUINOR

16:10 - 16:30: The digital journey to reduce emissions supported by high-performance solutions, Jardel Pinto (VP of Value Assurance at Shape)

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