High motor winding temperature
Learn how our condition-based monitoring solution helped prevent catastrophic damage in a high-voltage electric motor on an FPSO. Dive into the full story for more insights.

Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO)​
High Voltage Electric Motor
The client has 165 high-voltage electric motors monitored by Shape Lighthouse in multiple plants, supporting its centralized condition-based monitoring strategy. On 26th January, 08:45h, Lighthouse called the user's attention to one of the motors, identifying an abnormal increase in the stator temperature without correlation with load increase. After troubleshooting, a fallen internal air deflector plate was found. The planned corrective action avoided potential catastrophic damage to the motor shaft and stator insulation without impacting production.
Event summary:
How does Shape Lighthouse detect the issue?
On 26th January, 08:45h, a failure mode detection algorithm raised an alarm in Shape Lighthouse, pointing to an abnormal motor stator high temperature with prognostics text supporting the investigation.
The algorithm was trained over multiple similar equipment historical sensors data and learned to distinguish a typical stator temperature increase related to load increase from a situation where the temperature increases without relation to load and other correlated parameters.
​​A consequence of no Shape Lighthouse detection:
As the stator temperature increase did not reach the high alarm setpoint from the control room operator, the situation will stay unnoticed.
If no corrective action was performed, the loss of cooling performance could evolve and cause unexpected trip of the motor or further localized damage in stator insulation due to poor cooling.
Action after Shape Lighthouse identification:
After the Shape Lighthouse event, the client utilized the Shape Lighthouse platform to troubleshoot the issue, collect insights from other failure modes monitored for this asset, and raise an inspection plan to the offshore team just 3 hours after the beginning of the event.
The inspection identified that a baffle plate had dropped inside the motor, blocking its airflow. After that, planned corrective maintenance was performed without impact on production.

How savings were calculated:
Savings financial values were calculated based on the client's past similar events related to this failure mode and possible consequences, supported by the Lighthouse savings calculation feature.
Consequence (unavailability):
Catastrophic damage to the motor due to high temperature.
Maintenance scope:
Overhaul of the motor.
Avoided losses: